Monday, April 29, 2013

Too much fun talking about washing hands (sounds dirty but completly G rated)

In full disclosure I received a sample of Lysol Touch of Foam from Bzz Agent to test and review.  I also have coupons I can give out to my friends and family that are interested in this product.

I love going into all the chic little boutiques and trying the latest and greatest in hand care.  Let's face it other than.... well our face, our hands and out there for the world to study and judge us.  Think about it, you see someone with dirt under their nails or between their fingers, you ain't eating nothin from the bowl that they are.  Or if you see someone who had clean hands,clean nails you make a judgement.
So it always makes me laugh when going into this little boutiques or even pop ups in retail space a company selling their hand soap.  They have you wet you CLEAN HANDS (unless your at the mall right after making meatballs by hand and didn't bother to wash your hands) otherwise, if your in the mall chances are your not sporting alot of hand grime.  Where was I, yes, so you wet your hands they pump a bit of soap in your hands and you lather and rinse them.  Pat them with the provided beautiful cotton hand towel.  You are to stand their amazed that they have washed your clean hands and now they are clean and may even have a pear scent to them.  All you hand to do was wet your hands hand the beautiful lady pump the soap for you and you to dry them in hand towels of the Gods.

Well I would be pretty pissed off if the results were anything but.  Can you imagine getting your hands washed and they smell worse after, or you feel some tacky residue.

How do you properly test a hand soap?   Well with dirty smelly hands of course, you have to be in your kitchen, bath or other washing area with hands caked with meatball, moss, loam from planting, some smells that come with motherhood or pet ownership.  And by the way there isn't a nice lady to pump the soap on for you, it's all you baby, and I wouldn't be on an Egyptian Cotton hand towel waiting to dry you off.  If lucky you get a clean facecloth, last sheet of the paper towel roll or just air dry.

After than then smell and feel your hands and see how they do that is the only way to test hand soap.

So I did a head to head comparison with your Lysol Touch of Foam Antibacterial Wash in the Creamy Vanilla Orchid scent.  I matched it with a popular hand soap sold in most malls and is usually part of a buy 5 for 20 deal. 

To begin with I did some cleaning, then had to take out my dogs, and scooped with a plastic glove.  At this point I decided to put all my plantings together in containers.  I abide garden gloves, I have large hands so the only size that fits is the Men's which is too big to let me work in them, so I for go garden gloves.  Then I take out some soil and make some small planters for herbs.  At this point I need to go to the bathroom.  Well I must wash my hands first I'm gross.  So my instinct is not to touch anything with  my hands, so I apply a pump on the Lysol handle with my forearm, the foam piles nicely on my hands, I work my hands into a real lather hear, the soap is all but gone, then I rinse again and apply another pump, and I lather them up and dry them with a paper towel and my hands smell amazing.  In fact I sitting at my keyboard can still smell the slight yet pleasant scent of my hands.  My verdict, if this soap can cut through the run through I gave it it is a must have at each sink in my house.   I am the firmest of believers that frequent hand washing is better than any flu shot ( my opinion and mine alone). My hands are soft enough to rub the belly of an old dog, and the softest of arms of my child, and able to hold my hubby's hands as I slip him a quick hug when he comes home from work. 

Now in all fairness there was another product to compare it to, so I waited for another dog walk, did another day's worth of gardening, and they also at one point threw out food in the garbage.  Well the first test that didn't compare was the arm pump.  Instead of the pile of lather I got a stream that went from my hand to the back of my cabinet wall.  I lathered, and repeated, just not that same thick feeling as I got with the Lysol, it seemed a watered down version.  I did get my hands clean but the Pear scent that attracted to me to the soap was gone within 3 minutes.

The winner is clear, I whole heartily recommend the Lysol Touch of Foam hand wash.  I would advice them to rethink the packaging that someone it's much cleaner and is more decorative, something you pull away when you open the soap to use.  It's a beautiful soap as well as a 99.9% germ killer than we have come to know Lysol for, now let us know the gal has gams as well and time to show them off.

The above piece was written by me for my review of this soap, I was reading it and was pretty pleased with the facts and comparisions of soaps, but there were a couple of things I didn't get to.  This soap comes in two other scents, Cherry in Bliss, and Wild Berry Bliss (yum o).  Also the pump itself is built using antimicrvial properties that help deter germs from living on the pump of the soap.  Talk about thinking of it all.

I wouldn't mind seeing packaged with these a small sample of hand sanitizer, as a way to jump inot that market.  Again I love love love this and now I'm obsessed with trying the Cherry Bliss.

---Peas Out