Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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The Glade Expressions Collection, is a wonderful way to give your home a subtle welcoming fragrance that does not smell like air fresheners.  The attention to detail with the design is much appreciated.  The oil diffuser can pass for a mini sculpture like item on any buffet or table.  There are two colors, the Pineapple and Mangosteen the diffuser has a wooden look to it, the Cotton has a white design.  But since the refills go inside the actual diffuser and come out just as easily, you certainly could change the diffuser with the refill scent.

It may sound completely trivial to talk about air fresheners, but smell is so important to our mood and stress level.  Aromatherapy is a very popular wellness tool, and it is also taught in conjunction with stress, smoking cessation, and mindfulness/ mediation.  When you walk into a room that has a touch of a scent, that doesn't over power you be you can feel it envelope you if you just close you eyes and imagine it.  That is a great stress reducing excersize.  Now imagine walking into that same room and it had a stale, pet odor, or just dirty smell to it, if you close your eyes and try to imagine anything, it wouldn't be pleasant or stress reducing. 

The fragrance mist is just as well appointed as the oil diffuser.  It is a funky shaped white object, and you buy refill that you screw into the white holder.  When you spray this it is the finest of mists, and so discreet, you could have zero worries if you were in a bathroom that was near people. 

I challenge everyone to take something that smells pleasant to you and just inhale it thru your nose and exhale thru your mouth.   When you breath put your hand on your tummy to make sure it's moving up and down, meaning your breathing with your diaphragm.  Let the scent just envelope you.  Do this for a few minutes and don't tell me you don't fell relaxed.  Now once you do that go you your store check out the Glade Expressions Collection pick a fragrance and the dispenser and enjoy!

Disclaimer, I was given some product for free to try and review.

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